One of our Members has done excellent work selling Poppies outside the London Oratory. AS1 Jack Morgan writes:
"On Sundays the 5th and 12th November, myself and a few volunteers conducted a Poppy sale on behalf of the Royal British Legion at the London Oratory church in South Kensington, London. I found it an overwhelmingly positive experience and despite a few logistical hiccups I would say that the collection at the Oratory was a major success, with over £2000 being raised for the RBL. On Sunday the 12th - Remembrance Sunday - I had the honour of laying a wreath at the Oratory's own war memorial inside the church, alongside the Oratory CCF group.
The reception we got from the general public and congregation at the Oratory was hugely positive, with many people stopping to talk with us, to ask us questions about service life or indeed to offer thanks for selling poppies at their church. Additionally, the Fathers of the Oratory were most pleased to hear of our success and were glad to have us present.

I would like to thank Cpl Adam Bruerton, Cpl Vicky McCarthy and AS1 Tom Burgess for volunteering to assist with the sale and for giving up time on their Sundays - it would have been difficult to do this without their support. I would also like to thank Mr Halbritter from the Royal British Legion for providing all the poppies and badges and for his endorsement and I hope that he and the RBL find the money raised most useful indeed. I would also like to thank the Fathers of the Oratory for their support as well as the Head Sacristan for the logistical support. Finally, I would like to thank the members of the congregation of the Oratory for their generosity and kindness shown to us over the last two Sundays."
